Labels: text | screenshot | electronics | headphones OCR: The news of the events begins to cause a slight ARTISTS DREAM OF MARS flutter of concern in London. Of course, H.G. WELLS @ "the habit of personal security ... is so deeply fixed in the CINEMA & MUSIC Londoner's mind, and startling intelligence so much a matter of course in the papers, that they could read without any personal tremors: 'About seven o'clock last night the Martians came out of the cylinder, and, moving about under an armor of metallic shields, have completely wrecked Woking station with the adjacent houses, and massacred an entire battalion of the Cardigan Regiment.'" But, the Briton's legendary composure does have its limits ... It is not long before London awakes in a panic. The Martians have "discharged enormous clouds of a black and poisonous vapor by means of rockets ... and are advancing slowly towards London." A wave of fear sweeps over the city and, in a tumult, the population flees northward or frantically seeks passage across the Channel to the continent. "The glittering Martians went to and fro, calmly and methodically spreading their poison-cloud over this patch of country and then over that, laying it again with their steam-jets when it had served its purpose, and taking possession of the conquered country. They do not seem to have aimed at extermination so much as at complete demoralization and destruction of any opposition." MARS BETAT